Krill Oil Benefits

If you want to optimize how you move, how you think, and how you live, then you should consider adding Krill Oil to your daily supplement lineup. Krill Oil contains essential Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, phospholipids, as well as the world’s most powerful and potent antioxidant Astaxanthin. Research has shown that Krill Oil supports joint health, heart health, and cognitive health, making it a vital supplement for overall health and wellness.

In this Ultimate Guide To Krill Oil, you will learn

  • What Is Krill Oil?
  • How Does Krill Oil Work?
  • Krill Oil Vs Fish Oil
  • What Are The Benefits Of Krill Oil?
  • Krill Oil Dosage
  • Krill Oil Side Effects
  • The Best Time To Take Krill Oil?

What Is Krill Oil?

Krill are tiny yet mighty and powerful shrimp-like crustaceans that live in the deep glacial waters of the Antarctic ocean. Krill feed on phytoplankton and zooplankton, which are abundant sources of micronutrients. Because Krill have such a nutrient-rich diet and live in cold water, away from industrial pollution and contamination, krill deliver an incredible source of omega-3s and antioxidants. Due to this culmination of synchronous environmental factors, krill account for the largest biomass of any animal species in the world, at 389 million tons. When it comes to environmentally sustainable sources of food, krill are at the top of the list.

How Does Krill Oil Work? 

Krill Oil is an omega-3 powerhouse, rich in long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega-3 fatty acids are essential meaning they play a significant role in nearly every biological process in the human body. Essential also means you must acquire omega-3 from dietary sources or from supplementation.

The ‘healthy’ average American diet is relatively abundant in Omega-6, yet deficient in Omega-3. This deficiency can cause issues such as chronic fatigue, inflammation, irritability, lack of focus, joint pain, and skin related issues.

The Omega-3s found in krill oil are packaged as phospholipids, (the same structure found in your cellular membranes) which can be utilized immediately by your body, due to an added phosphate group [R] This increased bioavailability is a key reason why krill oil is considered a superior source of omega-3 supplementation than fish oil. Evidence suggests that Krill Oil’s unique molecular structure and naturally occurring antioxidant astaxanthin give it a distinct advantage in supporting brain health, joint health, heart health, inflammation, and mood state.

Krill Oil Vs Fish Oil: Key Differences

Although there are similarities, there are numerous differences that exist between krill oil and fish oil, which primarily involve content and nutrient delivery. For example, the EPA/DHA dose of krill is significantly less than fish oil, however, the krill is much more efficient at delivering nutrients than fish oil. Krill is also significantly smaller in pill size than fish oil, making it easier and more convenient to ingest.

Krill Oil Contains Astaxanthin

One of the many reasons Krill Oil is a superior source of omega-3 supplementation is because it contains the world's most powerful antioxidant Astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a carotenoidan antioxidant that helps fights the build-up of free radicals and suppress the signs of aging. Free radicals are uncharged molecules having an unpaired valence electron that can cause damage to your immune system, as a by-product of numerous cellular reactions. Astaxanthin also plays a crucial role in reducing inflammation of the cardiovascular system and improving immune system function by increasing HDL-cholesterol which helps the body rid of plaque build-up on the arterial walls.

Krill Oil Has A Better Absorption Rate (Better Bioavailability)

The omega-3s found in krill oil are packaged as phospholipids, (the same structure found in your cellular membranes) which can be utilized immediately by your body. The Omega 3’s found in fish oil, however, are bound in triglycerides, which have to undergo additional conditions and processes in order for them to become bioavailable [R]

Krill oil has been shown to be absorbed 68% better than fish oil [R] thereby suggesting that the Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats in Krill Oil are more bioavailable than Fish Oil [R]

Since Krill oil is bound in phospholipids and not triglycerides, the addition of the phosphate group permits more efficient digestion and absorption. Krill oil is absorbed in 2-3 hours as compared to fish oil, which can take anywhere from 48-72 hours, therefore prolonging the benefits associated with inflammation and workout recovery

Krill Oils Is More Effective At Reducing Cholesterol

Studies have shown that Krill oil is superior to fish oil, in regards to cardiovascular health. In a 12-week head-to-head, randomized controlled trial, patients with mild-high cholesterol were given either krill oil (low dose/high dose), fish oil, or placebo. Each group included 30 patients, with no cross-over. The results, were astounding.

Compared to baseline, both the low- and high-dose krill oil groups demonstrated improvements in all lipid parameters compared to fish oil or placebo. Total cholesterol decreased 13% to 18% for both krill oil groups versus a 6% decrease for fish oil and a 9% increase for placebo (all Ps < .001 compared to baseline). LDL-C was lowered 32% to 39% with krill oil compared to a 5% decrease with fish oil and a 13% increase with placebo (all Ps <.001 compared to baseline). HDL-C increased 42% to 60% (P < .001) with krill oil compared to 4% increases with either fish oil or placebo (P = .002 and P = .850, respectively, compared to baseline). Following the initial 12-week study, patients in the low-dose krill oil group continued for another 12 weeks. These patients were able to maintain lipid reductions and in some cases achieve further reductions during this follow-up phase with a lower maintenance dose of 500 mg per day [R]. 

Krill Oils Is More Environmentally Sustainable

If you care about the environment and the preservation of the beautiful world we live in, krill oil is the responsible and sustainable choice to make when choosing an Omega-3 supplement. Why? Krill are tiny shrimp-like crustacean that measure between a minuscule 1-6cm in length and which are found in the deep, clean waters of the Antarctic Ocean, which feed primarily on phytoplankton and zooplankton. Because of their short lifespan, krill simply don’t accumulate heavy metals, pesticides and other toxins as compared to fish oil. In 2008, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) set a precautionary catch limit of 5.6-million tons of krill. However the annual catch only measures 0.3% of the unexploited biomass of krill. Therefore, harvesting krill for krill oil production won’t interfere with the long-term marine ecosystem.

What Are The Benefits Of Krill Oil?

Skin Health

The powerful antioxidant astaxanthin and omega 3 fatty acids found in krill oil can reduce the effects of aging on your skin. Astaxanthin helps reduce free radical damage, which when present in excessive amounts break down the body’s tissue. Free radicals cause a breakdown in collagen and elastin fibers resulting in lack of elasticity and the formation of wrinkles. The high concentration of Omega 3’s in krill oil helps to normalize skin lipids, keeping your skin strong and hydrated, which decreases the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Evidence suggests that supplementing with Krill Oil can help improve your skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, age spots, and skin texture [R].

Joint Health

Inflammation is the body’s natural healing process and considered to be beneficial. However, too much inflammation can be harmful and develop a build-up of fluids in your tissues causing acute and chronic pain. Essential fatty acids such as krill oil have powerful anti-inflammatory agents in addition to, the antioxidant powers of astaxanthin, which helps reduce inflammation and joint pain [R].

The anti-inflammatory effects of Astaxanthin alone can help reduce chronic inflammation of the tendons and joints, which may cause detrimental effects to your training and recovery. In a randomized, double blind placebo-controlled trial by the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 90 patients were recruited with rheumatoid and or osteoarthritis to evaluate the effectiveness of krill oil on arthritic symptoms. The results were astounding. After seven days of treatment with a dose of 300mg of administered krill oil, patients reported reduced pain scores by 28.9%, reduced stiffness by 20.3%, and reduced functional impairment by 22.8% [R]

In a study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 125 patients that were diagnosed with nonsurgical neck or back pain were administered 1200-2500mg of Omega-3 fatty acids per day. After 75 days, fifty-nine percent discontinued taking their prescription NSAID medications for pain. Sixty percent stated that their overall pain was improved, and 60% stated that their joint pain had improved. Eighty percent stated they were satisfied with their improvement, and 88% stated they would continue with Omega-3 supplementation. This study concluded that Omega-3 supplementation demonstrated an equivalent effect in reducing arthritic pain, as does Ibuprofen [R].

Studies have proven that krill oil helps reduce joint pain and arthritic symptoms by directly reducing the amount of C-reactive protein in the blood; a protein made by the liver in response to inflammation. Therefore, if you’re experiencing post workout joint pain, or exhibit mild arthritic symptoms, krill oil can potentially help reduce pain and joint discomfort [R]. 

Heart Health

Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and it’s only getting worse with the obesity rate continuing to climb at an alarming rate. Krill oil and omega-3 fatty acids, have been proven to reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease, stroke and heart attack [R].

A major study published in the New England Journal of Medicine  followed 20,551 male doctors for over 17 years.  The study showed that the doctors with the highest blood levels of DHA and EPA, the omega 3’s found in krill oil that we’ve previously discussed, had a 90% less chance of dying from a heart attack.  Ready to take a double serving now?

Cognitive Health

Omega-3 fatty acids EPH and DHA have been extensively studied in regards to their benefits on cognitive function, supporting anti-depressive behaviors and promoting positive mood state [R]. DHA has been shown to increase dopamine and serotonin, which are your “feel good hormones,” and help to alleviate depression and promote positive mood state. EPA has been shown to reduce inflammation in the brain and help treat depression. Additionally, studies have shown that the naturally occurring antioxidant Astaxanthin, has a neuroprotective effect, which may increase spatial memory, while fighting against the aging process [R, R].

In an incredibly interesting Australian study, published in the journal PLOS one, 136 male prisoners were administered omega-3 to determine if omega-3 intake was correlated with more aggressive and attention deficit behavior. The study found a direct correlation with lower omega-3 levels and higher aggression and attention deficit order behaviors [R].

In a famous study called the Framingham Heart Study, two-thirds of the adult population of Framingham, MA, totaling 5,209 people in all were monitored for 57 years. One of the findings of this study showed that only 180 milligrams per day of the Omega 3 DHA, the equivalent of about 2.5 servings of fish per week, was associated with a 50% reduced risk of dementia [R]

This study proves the vital importance of preventative treatment, and the impact nutritional factors have on brain and heart health. Supplementing daily with Krill Oil can improve long-term health and help protect against the aging process and brain health.

Athletic Performance

Recent evidence suggests that astaxanthin may help reduce muscle damage. Studies have also shown Astaxanthin may increase time trial performance and power output in competitive cyclists [R, R, R] as well as increase strength and endurance [R].

A recent study conducted by Department of Comparative Biosciences at the University of Wisconsin in Madison investigated the effects of Krill Oil on mTOR signaling and resistance training.

mTOR functions as a serine/threonine-protein kinase that regulates cell growth, cell proliferation, cell motility, cell survival, protein synthesis, autophagy, and transcription. Signaling through the mammalian target of rapamycin [mTOR] is activated by amino acids, insulin, and growth factors, and impaired by nutrient or energy deficiency. mTOR regulates numerous components involved in protein synthesis [R] and can lead to greater gains in lean muscle mass.

In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, resistance-trained subjects consumed either 3g of krill oil daily or placebo, and each took part in an 8-week periodized resistance training program. Body composition, maximal strength, peak power, and rate of perceived recovery were assessed collectively at the end of weeks 0 and 8. In addition, safety parameters (comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), complete blood count (CBC), and urine analysis (UA)) and cognitive performance were measured pre-and post-testing [R]. 

The results indicated that Krill oil significantly stimulated mTOR signaling in comparison to the control. No differences for markers on the CMP, CBC, or UA were observed, however Krill oil significantly increased lean body mass from baseline (p=0.021, 1.4 kg, +2.1%) [R].

Krill Oil Benefits – In Summary

Krill Oil and omega-3 fatty acids, have numerous benefits which include but are not limited to

  • Skin Health

    • Reduces oxidative stress
    • Improves skin elasticity
    • Slows the aging process
  • Joint Health

    • Reduces arthritic joint pain
    • Improves joint mobility
  • Brain Health

    • Increases neuroprotective effects
    • Increases serotonin/dopamine
    • Supports a positive mindset
  • Heart Health

    • Reduces chronic/systemic inflammation
  • Athletic Performance

    • Increases Lean Body Mass
    • Increases Strength
    • May Reduce Muscle Damage
    • Increases time trial performance
    • May increase peak power output

Krill Oil Dosage

By taking a daily krill oil supplement, you can efficiently and effectively increase your essential fatty acid Omega 3 intake. The effective clinical dose of Omega-3 recommended by the American Heart Association is 1-2g per day. Research shows that 500mg-1.5g per day can effectively improve inflammation, improve heart health, and increase performance indicators. Most marketed krill oil supplements contain 500mg yet are more efficiently absorbed than fish oil. Therefore, your typically fish oil dose can be reduced up to 30% when taking krill oil.

Krill Oil Side Effects

Always consult your physician before taking krill oil supplements, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking blood thinners. Commonly reported side effects associated with krill oil which you may experience are usually mild, yet might include upset stomach, nausea, or headache [R].

Best Time To Take Krill Oil

Krill oil has shown to have significant benefits on mood state, mental clarity, joint health, heart health and performance. The best time to take Krill Oil is typically after you wake up, therefore allowing your body to improve and optimize performance.


Ready To Add Krill Oil to Your Daily Routine?

Swolverine's Krill Oil contains 500mg of Omega-3 essential fatty acids, EPA/DHA, phospholipids and Astaxanthin which are scientifically proven to support your heart, promote brain health, reduce inflammation, improve immune system function, reverse the signs of aging, and improve performance.* With an added hint of vanilla, our Krill Oil is an easy and enjoyable way to optimize how you live. 



We believe that everyone can optimize not only their athletic performance but their human potential. The way we believe we can optimize performance is through transparency, clinically effective doses, and clinically proven ingredients with evidence-based outcomes. We provide the nutrients you need to power your active lifestyle. 


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