95% of people who lose weight end up gaining it back.
Now that stat comes from some study done about 60 years ago and I can’t say that it’s entirely accurate. But in my experience, I would have to say It’s pretty close. That means that only 5 percent of the people who begin a weight loss program will keep the body fat that they lose off. That doesn’t say a lot about your chances. As a matter of fact,
the average adult American begins an exercise plan or diet at least once per year yet over half of the U.S. is overweight or obese.
So this begs the question, if most people want to be fit and most people are trying to be fit, why is that so many people are having such little luck burning body fat, losing weight and keeping it off?
Losing body fat requires way more than just hitting the gym and lifting weights a few days a week. It takes discipline, consistency, commitment, and planning. Dropping body fat can be a slow and tedious process, especially if you’re already in decent shape. The last few percentage points and pounds are always the hardest to lose and requires the most attention to detail. Eating whole foods, adding key vitamins and supplements, and tracking your nutrient intake is crucial for success. For some of you, the necessary dietary lifestyle changes you’ll need to implement, will be extreme, while for others, it’s really a matter of optimization. Implementing lifestyle changes that are sustainable, are key.
What Is Body Recomposition
Body recomposition is the process of optimizing your body composition. Essentially, this means losing body fat and gaining muscle, thus reducing body fat percentage and improving composition. In other words, body recomposition aims to increase lean body mass and fat free mass.
While you can’t theoretically build muscle mass and lose body fat simultaneously, body recomposition is achievable with the right training and nutrition plan. The process of muscle hypertrophy requires a caloric surplus, whereas burning body fat requires a caloric deficit. You can’t have an excess of calories and a deficiency at the same time. However with the right training program and nutrition plan, you can achieve muscle growth, while shredding down body fat.
How To Lose Body Fat And Build Muscle Mass
Before we get into the specifics of the training program, there are a several key components to fat loss that you will need to implement, in order to reach your body aesthetic goals.
If the goal is weight loss and reaching a certain body type, then making your training a priority and committing to the process is key. Consistency is perhaps the most important factor if you want to drop body fat. Inconsistency, and missing a few days of training each week, won’t get you the results you want.
Caloric Deficit
Achieving weight loss, requires you to be in a caloric deficit. This simply means that you need to consume less calories than you burn throughout the day. For example, if your total daily expenditure of calories is 1700, including your workout, your daily caloric intake will need to be less around 1500 calories to achieve consistent weight loss. Now before you go starving yourself, a caloric deficit means 200-300 calories below your total daily expenditure. Anything more than that, will actually slow your metabolism, causing your body to hold onto body fat. So what does that mean? It means that you NEED TO EAT.
Training will increase your metabolic rate, thus helping you achieve weight loss. So how do you calculate your total daily caloric expenditure and basal metabolic rate?
How To Calculate Your Basal Metabolic Rate
You can use a metabolic rate calculator, to find out how many calories you burn each day, so you can have a baseline in order to achieve your goals.
If you love math, you can also calculate your own RMR using the Harris and Benedict (H&B) equation, with the formula below.
MEN: 88.362 + (13.397 × weight in kg) + (4.799 × height in cm) – (5.677 × age in years)
WOMEN: 447.593 + (9.247 × weight in kg) + (3.098 × height in cm) – (4.330 × age in years)
The next step is to include your daily activities based upon your lifestyle, multiplied by your resting metabolic rate. Use the table below
Sedentary |
very minimal or no exercise |
1.2 |
Slightly Active |
exercise lightly one to three days per week |
1.375 |
Moderately Active |
Exercise three to five days per week |
1.55 |
Very Active |
train six to seven days per week |
1.725 |
Overly Active |
if you train six to seven days a week |
1.9 |
Body Recomposition Macronutrients
When it comes to the ideal body recomposition macronutrients everyone is going to require something a bit different. The goal of body recomposition is shifting the way your body utilizes energy from food and stored sources such as body fat, so that you become more metabolically efficient. This means you want to maintain or build muscle mass while decreasing body fat simultaneously.
For most people this means being in a slight caloric deficit (100-300) calories, while still incorporating quality carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. A typical macronutrient split would be 40:40:20. In other words, 40% daily calories from carbohydrates, 40% daily calories from protein, and 20% daily calories from fat.
In addition, your pattern of eating, is also crucial to promote body recompositon. A typical pattern of eating would coincide with the following structure; breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, as well as a pre and post workout. Depending on when you work out during the day, your specific pattern of eating will need to be adjusted. This pattern encourages positive muscle growth giving your body the nutrients it needs, while also encouraging the body to utilize stored body fat as an energy source.
Why are the recommended calories from fat, so much lower than the calories needed from protein and carbs to support body recomposition? Both protein and carbohydrates have 4 kcal/g in energy. Whereas, fat provides 9 kcal/g making it much more energy dense per gram. To promote muscle growth, your body needs more carbohydrates and protein than dietary sources of fat. Since fat is not specifically used to create muscle, having it in excess will incite the creation of more stored body, which works against your goal of reducing overall fat free mass.
Get A Nutrition Plan
If you don’t have a nutrition plan, then get one. Your training regimen is only one small piece to your cumulative success in losing body fat. Nutrition is the most important factor in reaching your goals, and without a plan, and measuring your results, you’ll never know how or where to make critical adjustments. Optimizing your nutrition from the beginning, will save you a ton of time and get you to your goals faster, as opposed to doing it on your own, and guessing. Hire a certified nutrition coach from The Swole Kitchen. They’ll provide 1:1 nutrition coaching, guidance, meal plans, and accountability so you can burn body fat and power your performance.
Supplements are meant to be supplemental; they are not meant to replace your nutrition and whole foods. Part of the process in optimizing your performance, is bridging the gaps in your nutrition, and adding specific sports nutrition supplements to enhance performance outcomes. Supplements such as greens, whey protein isolate, complex carbohydrates, specific vitamins and nutrients, and key amino acids will help you lose weight on a consistent and sustainable basis.
Body Composition Training Program
This body recomposition training program utilizes functional bodybuilding movements on a traditional bodybuilding split, in addition to aerobic training components. Functional bodybuilding is very similar to traditional bodybuilding. The only difference between the two is the training objective. Bodybuilding’ sole purpose is to create perfectly defined aesthetics. Functional bodybuilding focuses on building strength, and improving mobility to achieve better athleticism, workout performance, and to maximize your function based around human movement in a practical application.
High Intensity Functional Bodybuilding
The main word in functional training, is function. Function, means purpose, therefore, functional training is training for a specific purpose. That purpose being to build more strength, balance, and stability recruited to perform common movement patterns while performing everyday activities. Now, combine function with bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is linear and primarily focused on body aesthetic by maximizing hypertrophy. The purpose is focused on strength and definition, by optimizing body composition. In other words, your intent is to look good.
High Intensity Functional Bodybuilding combines three different training modalities: traditional bodybuilding, interval training, and functional fitness into one hybrid training protocol, created to maximize performance, functional movement, mobility, strength, and optimize composition.
HIFB is programmed to enhance all aspects of human performance, focused on strength, mobility, and aesthetics, through higher volume isolated, compound, and constantly varied movements, without the traditional Olympic lifts, found in similar training modalities such as High-Intensity Functional Training, aka CrossFit.
HIFB training incorporates compound movements; multi-jointed movements, which require more than one muscle group to be used throughout an exercise. Compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, and push press can improve mobility, strength, and functionality. These types of exercises, mimic specific movement patterns used for everyday activities such as hip rotation, muscle stabilizers, flexor muscles, and ensure your joints are moving through a full range of motion. How often do you pull down weight from above your head, behind your neck, similar to a military press? Probably never. How often do you lift something heavy off the floor?
With High-Intensity Functional Bodybuilding, you get the best of everything, and more bang for your buck, in one training protocol. Compound movements will also help you burn more body fat with more intensity, by utilizing multiple muscle groups and joints with one fluid movement.
The Workout
When the training intent is to lose body fat and can muscle mass, then your program focus will be your intensity, tempo, and heart rate. Conventional resistance training splits require an intensity between 50-70%, with 3-5 sets, of 6-12 reps, with 1–3-minute rest intervals. Bodybuilding is systematically designed to increase gains through periodization, ensuring progressive overload, performed with traditional split training isolating specific muscle groups, designated to certain days (i.e. back and biceps, chest and triceps, legs and shoulders). This program incorporates this same type of training split, but with higher volume, increased intensity, shorter rest intervals, not quite supersets but accelerated functional movements.
You will perform 4 sets per exercise, performed at 70-85% intensity, with a 5% increase per set. Prescribed reps will range between 16-12 with 20-45 second rest intervals, between each set. This program follows a 3-day training split, performed twice per week. Heart rate will be a crucial factor in this program and dictate the tempo of your workout. You can utilize an apple watch, whoop, garmin, fitbit etc. Your heart rate needs to be between 140-155 BPM at all times. This workout should not take you any longer than 45 minutes for the resistance training protocol. Added aerobic and cardio components will add an extra 20-45 minutes per workout consisting of steady state cardio, or sprints.
This program follows a 3-day split, 6 days per week, with one rest day, and is to be followed for 12 weeks. This program follows a linear progression, meaning as time goes on, you will need to increase
the load or weight, in order to build more muscle and cut body fat. The load is not as important as hitting the prescribed rep volume – every rep counts, and as you perform more work, you’ll burn more calories. Despite the weight you choose, make sure you’re hitting the volume.
Supplement Plan
Diet and exercise are unquestionably the foundation for building muscle mass, strength, and body optimization. But, to truly maximize your results, you need to get enough macronutrients in your diet.
Whey protein isolate is a quick digesting milk protein that will help replenish your body to make bigger gains and lean out. Unlike traditional whey protein, whey isolate is filtered and removes excess lactose, fat, and carbohydrates leaving you with a purified and more concentrated form of protein. Whey protein isolate will help enhance your performance, optimize body composition as well as provide the essential amino acids to enhance exercise recovery.
One of the biggest challenges to building more muscle and losing weight is eating and ingesting enough of the right food and calories throughout the day. Complex carbohydrates are critical in providing the muscle fuel you need to build and rebuild muscle mass. Swolverine’s Clean Carbs are made with sweet potatoes, yams, oats, and blueberries all of which will help you build more mass and burn body fat.
Complex carbohydrates are made of insoluble and soluble fiber, some of which pass through the gastrointestinal tract without raising blood sugar. It’s important to distinguish between carbohydrate supplements that are made from real whole foods such as Swolverine’s Clean Carbs and other carbohydrate supplements which are made from modified corn and simple sugars such as dextrose, maltodextrin, and highly branched cyclic dextrin. Carb supplements that use these types of sugars will spike your insulin levels, leaving you depleted and lethargic after a quick burst of energy and inevitably creating more body fat.
Studies show that there is no additional benefit between fast-acting carb supplements and complex carbohydrates that come from real food sources on workout performance. If you want to build more muscle mass, you need complex carbohydrates, not simple sugars. It’s as simple as that.
Branched chain amino acids help you rebuild muscle mass and enhance the recovery process. Supplementing with BCAAs throughout your workout will provide you with more energy, hydration and the fuel you need to improve workout performance.
Beta-alanine is one of the most researched sports performance products in the world. Studies show that 3.2-6.4g per day of Carnosyn Beta-Alanine supports increased time to failure, delayed muscle fatigue, and improved muscular endurance. Increased rep volume due to increased time to exhaustion will improve performance and gains.
98% of all Americans are not getting enough of healthy omega-3 fats in their diet. Krill oil is an amazing source of Omega-3 and essential fatty acids EPA and DHA. Studies have shown that omega-3 supplementation supports fat loss, better muscle development, promotes immune health, reduces inflammation, improves joint health, and supports heart health. Adding 500mg of krill oil to your supplement regimen is one of the best preventative measures you can take to improve your overall health and wellness.
Supplement Timing and Dosage
- Clean Carbs: 1 Scoop
- Whey Protein Isolate: 1 Scoop Krill Oil: 500mg
30 Minutes PreWorkout
- BCAA: 6.5g Beta-alanine: 5g Greens+Reds: 12g
Immediately Post Workout
- Whey Protein Isolate: 1 Scoop Clean Carbs: 1 Scoop
Equipment: What You Need
- Kettlebells (Moderate – Heavy)
- Fitness Tracker (Fitbit, Apple Watch, Whoop etc)
- Barbell
- Plates (25-45lb, with maximum load exceeding 135lb)
- Bench
- Resistance Band (moderate to intense)
Dumbbells (Moderate – Heavy)
12-week body recomposition plan weeks 1-4
DAY 1 Back and Biceps
Workout |
Rest Interval |
Bent Over Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Row |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Lat Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Seated Cable Row |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Bent Over Kettlebell Row |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
TRX Lying Row |
4 x 12 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Dumbbell Preacher Curl |
4 x 12, 12,10,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Incline Dumbbell Bench Curl |
4 x 12, 12,10,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
EZ Bar Curl |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Twisting Dumbbell Curl |
4 x 12,12,10.10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Air Assault Runner/Treadmill |
DAY 2 Chest And Triceps
Workout |
Rest Interval |
High Cable Fly |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Cable Fly |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Incline Hex Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Dumbbell Bench |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Incline Bench Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Bar Pushdown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Single Arm Cable Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Dumbbell Kick Backs |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Rope Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Air Assault Runner/Treadmill |
DAY 3 legs and shoulders
Workout/FBB |
Rest |
Single Leg Split Squat |
4 x 14,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Barbell Romanian Deadlift |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Single Arm Overhead Kettlebell Lung |
4 x 20,20,20,20 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Alternating Weighted Step-ups |
4 x 20,20,20,20 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Leg Extension |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Barbell Hip Thrusts |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Kettlebell Goblet Squats |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Seated Front Raise |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Standing Side Raise |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press |
4 x 14,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Kettlebell Swings |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Standing Cable Rear Delt Fly |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Kettlebell Push Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
12-week body recomposition plan weeks 5-8
DAY 1 Back and Biceps
Workout |
Rest Interval |
Bent Over Barbell Row |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Lat Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Single Arm Seated Cable Row |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Cable Face Pull |
4 x 12 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Dumbbell Preacher Curl |
4 x 12, 12,10,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Incline Dumbbell Bench Curl |
4 x 12, 12,10,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
EZ Bar Curl |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Dumbbell Curl |
4 x 12,12,10.10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Air Assault Runner/Treadmill |
DAY 2 Chest And Triceps
Workout |
Rest Interval |
High Cable Fly |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Cable Fly |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Hex Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Bench Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Bar Pushdown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Single Arm Cable Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Narrow Pushup |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Rope Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Air Assault Runner/Treadmill |
DAY 3 legs and shoulders
Workout/FBB |
Rest |
Single Leg Split Squat |
4 x 14,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Barbell Romanian Deadlift |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Front Rack Kettlebell Walking Lung |
4 x 20,20,20,20 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Leg Press |
4 x 20,20,20,20 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Leg Extension |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Banded Walk |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Wide Stance Dumbbell Squats |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Seated Front Raise |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Standing Side Raise |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press |
4 x 14,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Kettlebell Upright Row |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Standing Cable Rear Delt Fly |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Standing Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
12-week body recomposition plan weeks 9-12
DAY 1 Back and Biceps
Workout |
Rest Interval |
Bent Over Barbell Row |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Pull Ups |
4 x 12,12,12,12 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Seated Cable Row |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Single Arm Cable Lat Pulldown |
4 x 12 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Dumbbell Preacher Curl |
4 x 12, 12,10,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Cable Curl |
4 x 12, 12,10,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
EZ Bar Curl |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Twisting Dumbell Curl |
4 x 12,12,10.10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Air Assault Runner/Treadmill |
DAY 2 Chest And Triceps
Workout |
Rest Interval |
High Cable Fly |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Cable Fly |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Incline Hex Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Dumbbell Bench Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Bar Pushdown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Single Arm Cable Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Narrow Pushup |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Rope Pulldown |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Air Assault Runner/Treadmill |
DAY 3 legs and shoulders
Workout/FBB |
Rest |
Single Leg Split Squat |
4 x 14,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Barbell Deadlift |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Barbell Walking Lunge |
4 x 20,20,20,20 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Leg Press |
4 x 20,20,20,20 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Leg Extension |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Squats |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Wide Stance Dumbbell Squats |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Seated Front Raise |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Standing Side Raise |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press |
4 x 14,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Arnold Press |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Standing Cable Rear Delt Fly |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Kettlebell Swings |
4 x 16,14,12,10 (70-85% MAX) |
30 sec |
Functional Foods List
Protein |
Carbohydrates |
Healthy Fats |
Fruit |
Snacks |
Almonds |
Peaches |
Powercrunch Bars |
Chicken |
Brown Rice |
Avocado |
Apples |
RX Bars |
Beef |
Quinoa |
Almonds |
Pears |
Barebells Bars |
Sweet Potatoes |
Cashews |
Raspberries |
Protein Shakes |
Salmon (Fish) |
Oats |
Macadamia Nuts |
Blackberries |
Nuts |
Greek Yogurt |
Squash |
Pistachios |
Nectarines |
Fruit |
Turkey |
Zucchini |
Pecans |
Oranges |
Protein Bites |
Ground Turkey |
Bok Choy |
Peanuts |
Blueberries |
Quest Chips |
Ground Beef |
Mushrooms |
Flax Seeds |
Pork Tenderloin |
Black Beans |
Sesame Seeds |
Plumbs |
Carrots And Hummus |
Ham |
Brussels Sports |
Sunflower Seeds |
Grapes |
Eat Me Guilt Free Brownie |
Shrimp |
Whole Wheat Pasta |
Walnuts |
Watermelon |
Chicken Chips |
Bison |
Chickpea Pasta |
Coconut Oil |
Melon |
Eggs |
Yucca |
Amish Butter |
Cantaloupe |
Lenny And Larrys Protein Cookie |
Bacon |
Yam |
Kefir |
Cherries |
Tuna |
Peas |
Olive Oil |
Grapefruit |
Venison |
Green Beans |
Pumpkin Seeds |
Passion Fruit |
Lamb |
Eggplant |
Peanut Butter |
Star Fruit |
Lobster |
Greens |
Almond Butter |
Strawberries |
Crab |
Onions |
Nut Milk |
Papaya |
Elk |
Spinach |
Mango |
Egg Whites |
Pomegranate |
Asparagus |
Bell Peppers |
Need Help With Optimizing Your Diet And Nutrition Plan To Finally Get The Results You've Been Waiting For?

We believe that everyone can optimize not only their athletic performance but their human potential. The way we believe we can optimize performance is through transparency, clinically effective doses, and clinically proven ingredients with evidence-based outcomes. We provide the nutrients you need to power your active lifestyle.