5 Benchmark Bodyweight WODs - Meet 'The Girls' Of CrossFit® - Swolverine

Benchmark bodyweight WODs (workout of the day) are a great way to test your endurance and strength capacity with limited or no equipment. You can do these workouts virtually anywhere and anytime throughout your athletic journey. Whether you're just looking to get a good sweat in on a Wednesday or you're doing the WOD to see just how far you've come with your training, these 5 benchmark bodyweight WODs are sure to give you a run for your money. Let's meet 'the girls' of Crossfit®, shall we!?

RELATED ARTICLE: The CrossFit WOD: Why Are CrossFit Workouts Named After Women? 

'The Girls' Benchmark Bodyweight WODs

5 Benchmark Bodyweight WODs - Meet 'The Girls' Of CrossFit® - Swolverine

Benchmark Bodyweight WOD #1 - BARBARA

CrossFit bodyweight wod

(First posted September 27, 2003)

This bodyweight WOD is relatively simple in concept to perform, however, the total number of reps and rounds will serve as an intense endurance test to see what your engine is made up of. With high-intensity, quick speed and movement, soak up that precise 3 minute rest period and give each round max effort.

That being said, the intensity shouldn’t be so high that you burn out the first round and drag booty for the rest of them. Try to break up the reps and scale if needed (see below). For reference, elite-level crossfitters complete this benchmark bodyweight WOD in 20 minutes or less.

5 Rounds, 3 Minute Rest
20 Pull-Ups
30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Squats

How To Scale ‘Barbara’

  • Scaling Pull-Ups: Banded pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, ring rows
  • Scaling Push-Ups: Knee push-ups, incline box push-ups, bench pull-ups
  • Scaling Sit-Ups: plank holds, plank taps, mountain climbers, spider-man’s
  • Scaling Squats: Box squats, elevated med ball squats

The 5 Benchmark Bodyweight WODs - Meet 'The Girls' Of CrossFit® Chelsea by Swolverine

Benchmark Bodyweight WOD #2 - CHELSEA

bodyweight wod

(First posted September 7, 2003)

This benchmark bodyweight WOD is pretty simple and straightforward. That being said, it’s a race against the clock, seeing that each set of the three movements needs to be completed within the minute (every minute on the minute = EMOM), with a time cap of 30 minutes. If you do the math, that means if you’re within the 1-minute time cap for each round, you continue onto the next round (30 total possible rounds). As you get tired, consider breaking up the reps rather than hammering through the whole set.

If you get time capped, you calculate your score by taking the number of rounds completed, plus the number of reps from the incomplete round (the last one). So if you get 8 rounds, and complete 18 reps of the last round before you got time capped, your score is 8 rounds + 18 reps.

EMOM For 30 Minutes
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats

How To Scale ‘Chelsea’

  • Scaling Pull-Ups: Banded pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, ring rows
  • Scaling Push-Ups: Knee push-ups, incline box push-ups, bench pull-ups
  • Scaling Squats: Box squats, elevated med ball squat

The 5 Benchmark Bodyweight WODs - Meet 'The Girls' Of CrossFit® Cindy by Swolverine

Benchmark Bodyweight WOD #3 - CINDY

bodyweight wod

(First posted September 27, 2003)

Cindy hails as one of the most well-known benchmark bodyweight WODs and is a great benchmark to test an athlete’s performance and progress as an athlete. There are no weights but both strength and endurance are put to the test here. Trust us, your arms will be burning.

We recommend finding a solid speed and tempo that you can maintain with intensity and purpose. Tired? Break up the reps and scale if need be. Seeing that it’s a 20-minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible), the last thing you want to do is gas out in the first 10 minutes.

AMRAP - 20 Minutes
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Squats

How To Scale ‘Cindy’

  • Scaling Pull-Ups: Banded pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, ring rows, ring pull ups
  • Scaling Push-Ups: Knee push-ups, incline box push-ups, bench pull-ups
  • Scaling Squats: Box squats, elevated medball squat

The 'New Girls' Benchmark Bodyweight WODs

The 5 Benchmark Bodyweight WODs - Meet 'The Girls' Of CrossFit® Mary by Swolverine

Benchmark Bodyweight WOD #4 - MARY

Mary WOD - Swolverine

(First posted January 19, 2005)

Mary serves as a little more advanced bodyweight WOD, as both pistols and HSPU require high levels of strength, balance, and coordination. The 20-minute time cap gives athletes a great way to measure endurance over time, seeing that you have 20 minutes to perform as many reps as possible. That being said, manage your pace, break up the reps (3x5 on the pull-ups, for example) and scale as necessary to ensure quality movement over quantity.

AMRAP - 20 Minutes
10 Pistols
15 Pull-Ups

How To Scale ‘Mary’

  • Scaling HSPUs: Using a mat or plate, pike push-ups, box-push-ups, regular push-ups, push press, DB shoulder press
  • Scaling Pistol Squats: Pistols w/ counterweight, elevated single-leg squats, Banded single leg squats
  • Scaling Pull-Ups: Banded pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, ring rows

The 5 Benchmark Bodyweight WODs - Meet 'The Girls' Of CrossFit® Annie by Swolverine

Benchmark Bodyweight WOD #5 - ANNIE

Annie WOD - Swolverine

(First posted April 16, 2005)

Annie might not seem like too much bite for the bark, but beware, this quick-paced workout is going to gas the lungs and keep you moving. For reference, elite CrossFit athletes finish Annie in under 5 minutes (let’s gooo!). Annie, much like the rest of the girls, serves as a great benchmark bodyweight WOD measuring coordination, your engine, and your overall endurance capacity.

Double Unders

How To Scale ‘Annie’

  • Scaling Double Unders: Rationing single-unders to double unders (3:1), single unders, jumping jacks
  • Scaling Sit-Ups: Planks, mountain climbers, bicycle, dead bugs, scissors 

Whether you’re training to be the fittest on earth, or you put hundreds of miles on the pavement and in the gym, benchmark bodyweight WODs are a great way to test your performance and training capacity over time.

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