Chad Wilkinson Hero Wod - Swolverine

A hero workout of the day (WODs) aka Hero WOD is a workout tribute specifically to a fallen soldier, member of the military, and/or first responder. The workout is usually harder and longer than most programmed workouts in functional fitness and CrossFit gyms alike. The reason? To show tribute and respect to the work, dedication, and labor that the fallen hero gave to our country to protect and defend our freedoms. In this post we will be focusing on Hero WOD "CHAD".

Chad Wilkinson Hero Wod - Swolverine

Remembering Chad Michael Wilkinson

SOCS Chad Michael Wilkinson passed away on October 29, 2018 in Virginia Beach after 22 years of service. The current CEO of CrossFit, Dave Castro, originally posted this worked on December 14, 2018 as a remembrance hero WOD for the former Navy Seal and friend of Castro.

The Navy SEAL Foundation website stated that “SOCS Chad Michael Wilkinson died by suicide”. In the year 2018 suicides among US Special Operations tripled in 2018. Suicide is a large and very serious concern in the military community.

If you are in a crisis, or you know someone who is, there are immediate resources available. The Military Crisis Line connects those in need to a trained counselor with a single phone call or click. This confidential, immediate help is available 24/7 at no cost to active duty, Guard, and reserve members, their family and friends. Contact the Military Crisis Line at 800-273-8255, then press 1, or access online chat by texting 838255.

Hero WOD Chad - Swolverine


Originally posted on December 14, 2018 by Dave Castro who stated “At his funeral his wife mentioned that he did 1,000 step ups for time with a 45 pound pack on a 20” box to train for climbing Mt Aconcagua.” This hero WOD requires a box and a ruck pack or weights. Score is calculated by time.


1,000 Box Step Ups (20 in)
Weighted Ruck (45/35)

Hero WOD Chad - Swolverine

Why Do We Do Hero WODs

While the main focus of the workout is often to pay tribute, respect, and remembrance to the fallen hero, hero WODs are also a great test of physical ability and performance capacity. Not only are you going to enter into the workout experiencing great physical tests, but you’re also going to cross barriers between the body, the mind, emotions and experience. You might cry, you might scream, you might bleed even, but with a deeper connection to the workout and the ‘why’, you give tribute one grueling rep at a time.

Never Forget

If there are two things we love, it’s CrossFit and our military, first responders, and all the selfless individuals on the front lines. Please join us as we remember SOCS Chad Michael Wilkinson alongside our box mates.


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