hot guys crossfit

The 2021 CrossFit Games competitive season presents new challenges and opportunities for the 16 hottest men in CrossFit to step onto the floor and make a name for themselves. With the retirement of five-time champion Mat Fraser earlier in the year, we anticipate that this season is going to be the most competitive to watch. Who’s going to step into that first place spot? Who's going to really make a name for themselves as the fittest man on Earth?

Note: We chose the following athletes based on their hottest endurance, strength, engine and past performance capacity. We also took into account their final positions in the 2021 CrossFit Open as they head into the Qualifiers and Semifinals. We understand that not all will be able to step on the Games floor, but we do know we're going to be watching these athletes on the journey there!

Jeffrey Adler

Finishing out the open, Jeffrey Adler is showing a strong contention for becoming the fittest man on earth. In September he posted on his personal page, "Every day is one day closer to the CrossFit Games. It is a stressful time but also a very unique opportunity. Head down. Full throttle."




Travis Mead

Travis heads into the 2021 CrossFit Games season with four appearances at the West Regional Event under his belt. He’s no newbie when it comes to the competition floor, and as a gym owner, is one of the hottest contenders for a spot on the final showdown floor. After the Open concluded his reaction was, “LLLLEEETTTSSSSSS GGGGOOOOOOOOO!!!! Couldn’t be happier with this finish!!! 9 opens later and still getting fitter and best finish to date!!! Maybe it was the 30 days of MURPH right before 😎😎 The most fun I have had in a while!!! Just doing what I love! And I have the best gym family in the world behind me always!!!!! “



Samuel Cournoyer

We're not sure if the world is ready to know Samuel Cournoyer's name in that top spot just yet, but whether or not, he's coming in hot! He's competed for the last two years and is hungry to let his performance speak for him in the 2021 CrossFit games season. Based out of Canada he's been performing under Mayhem Programming and his go-to motto going into Quarterfinals is "Positive values anchor you through adversity and ground you in success!"




Cole Greshaber

At the young age of 21, Cole Greashaber has earned his spot on the hottest male cross fitters list for the 2021 season. Crushing the 2021 CF Games Open Leaderboard and finishing in 8th place worldwide, he’s put his head down for the last few years and is emerging from his reputation in the teen division quite strong. We’re excited to see where this young athlete ends up this year.

Dylan Pettit

Arguably one of the sleeper contenders for the 2021 CrossFit Games is Swolverine Athlete Dylan Pettit. While 2020 might have been one of the toughest years for this man, he turned that adversity into a challenge accepted. After finishing 43rd in the worldwide Open, he’s going to be sticking around for a while. Get used to this name, you’re going to hear it a lot.



Agustin Richelme

Agustin hails from Argentina and earned himself on the hottest men in CrossFit list because of his number one finish in his country and number 9 spot overall. With consistent and frequent competition appearances since WZA in 2018 and the CF Games in 2019, he’s ready to  make up for lost time with his performance this season. Did we mention he crushed the competition in a 21.3 Open event win with a time of 7:40 at 180 reps?? Crushing!




Oleg Lascenko

Oleg started competitively crosscutting in 2016 and has worked his way up from 13,279th in the world to a 2021 Open finish at 10th worldwide. Coached by Max Shumakov, when he’s not training with the weights in the gym, he’s out on the track or running 10k races on sand, dirt, through mud, and everything else. He’s a versatile athlete with a powerhouse engine who’s gunning for the games.




Cédric Lapointe

Talk about an athlete who has been on POINTE this season (see what we did there). Reigning from Canada as a full time coach he's definitely made our list of the hottest men in Crossfit for the 2021 competition. While he is one of the more ‘controversial’ athletes after his appearances on the Love Island UK television show, he’s quickly rising in the CF community worldwide as a serious competitor. Onward and upward he goes!


Chad Kackert

Previously a professional football player, Swolverine Athlete Chad Kackert found CrossFit to be his second home, igniting a new competitive fire within him. He will be taking the floor at the 2021 West Coast Classic this year in contention for a spot on the 2021 CF Games floor in Madison. When asked about why he puts so much work into competitive fitness, he answered that “routine discomfort and sacrifices couples with constant challenge and satisfaction” are what fuel his passion to be better. We’re excited to see where he goes from here!



Khan Porter

Khan Porter is a 6x CrossFit Games Athlete who isn’t finished yet with the competition floor. After finishing out the Open and Quarterfinals after only training 90 minutes a day around his work and school schedule, he’s coming back into the athlete frame of mind. When Porter started CrossFit, he took it seriously. He walked into his first gym wanting to be the best, and the last one out, putting everything he had on the floor every single day. His performance speaks for himself and we’re excited to see what he does in the 2021 CrossFit Games pursuit.




Mitch Wagner

Swolverine Athlete Mitch Wagner is coming back from a neck/shoulder injury and surgery in the 2019/2020 year that kept him from training and competing at a high level. Through diligence, recovery, attention to detail and perseverance, he has worked through his setbacks and has come into the 2021 season with a fiery desire to make a name for himself. Mitch finished 24th worldwide in the Men’s RX Open, 29th in Quarterfinals, and will be advancing to the 2021 Granite Games.

RELATED: Get to know Mitch by clicking here




Tyler Eggimenn

Tyler heads into the 2021 CrossFit Games season as a two-time Regional Athlete. He placed 70th on the men’s North American leaderboard establishing him a solid position at the Mid-Atlantic CrossFit Competition. After a 6th place finish at the MACC, he’s going into the online last change qualifier with a vengeance, ready to take on any fellow competitor that contends. Did we mention he’s set a PR on almost every lift this year? “Or maybe that’s just old man strength”.




Colten Mertens

Could be the mullet, could be the garage gains, whatever it is, Swolverine Athlete Colten Mertens is a young competitor who’s rapidly making a name for himself in the CrossFit Space. With a serious contention for the competition floor at the 2021 CF Games, he’s coming in off a 3rd place worldwide finish in event 21.2, which also happens to be the event he did in his very first CF Open… ever (17.1). His CrossFit Total comes in at 1280 (back squat 525, shoulder press 235, deadlift 520) and you can catch him at this years Granite Games competition. Let’s see where he goes from here - the future is bright!




Hal Fisher

Swolverine Athlete Hal Fisher is a serious contender in the top 50 worldwide male indy CF athletes. He’s a dedicated and calculated athlete who takes his performance to the next level by being consistent and regimented with his training. He’s chasing a 400lb clean and at just the age of 24 he’s a part of the future of the men’s division.




Brandon Luckett

Swolverine Athlete Brandon Luckett comes into the 2021 CrossFit Games season as a 2x CrossFit Games competitor. When he’s not in the gym, he’s a medical Physicist, showing the world that nerds to can be buff. You can catch Brandon at the 2021 West Coast Classic as he competes for a position at the CrossFit Games



Panchik Brothers

You can't really have a hottest men in CrossFit list without the Panchik brothers, and we mean all three of them. Like purebred horses, this band of brothers have established a strong presence in contention for the 2021 CrossFit Games, with the oldest brother getting the first big at the games after an impressive finish at the 2021 MACC. Make sure to watch these gentlemen as they crusade their way into the 2021 CF Games floor.




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