How To Increase Brain Power, Function, And Memory: The Power Of Nootropics

Nootropics can increase your brainpower. It sounds too good to be true right? Pills that can actually increase your cognitive function, memory recall, and enhance focus? Well, we’re here to tell you, that it’s not. Nootropics are one of the most clinically studied supplements, with an innumerable amount of research that proves, they can help increase your brain power, function, memory recall, and if taken prophylactically, can help against cognitive degeneration and the aging process. 

What Are Nootropics?

Nootropics also called smart drugs or cognitive enhancers are supplements or other substances that improve brain power, cognitive function, particularly mental clarity, memory recall, creativity, retention, and motivation. In other words, a miracle that helps us improve, well, everything. 

How Do Nootropics Work?

The study of nootropics on cognitive performance and improved brain function has been widely researched under many modalities. Nootropics affect the brain through a number of mechanisms or pathways. There are two different classifications of nootropics namely; synthetic, which are lab created compounds, and natural herbal nootropics such as Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa Monniera, and Vinpocetine.

According to a comprehensive study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

“Natural nootropics are proven in boosting the brain function while at the same time making the brain healthier. Nootropics act as a vasodilator against the small arteries and veins in the brain [R]. Introduction of natural nootropics in the system will increase the blood circulation to the brain and at the same time provide the important nutrient and increase energy and oxygen flow to the brain [R]. Despite the 3% weight of total body weight, the brain receives around 15% of the body's total blood supply and oxygen. In fact, the brain can only generate energy from burning the glucose [R], proving that neuron depends on the continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients.

How To Increase Brain Function - Swolverine

In contrast to most of the other cells in the human body, a neuron cannot be reproduced and is irreplaceable. The neuron cells are persistently expending the converted energy to maintain the repair of the cell compartments. The energy generated from the glucose is crucial for maintenance, electrical, and neurotransmitter purposes [R]. The effect of natural nootropics is also shown to reduce the inflammation that occurs in the brain [R]. The administration of nootropics will protect the brain from toxins and minimizing the effects of brain aging. Effects of natural nootropics in improving the brain function are also contributed through the stimulation of the new neuron cell. As an incentive from the new neuronal cell, the activity of the brain is increased, enhancing the thinking and memory abilities, thus increasing neuroplasticity” [R].

What Are The Most Effective Nootropics?

With a myriad of nootropics on the market, it can be increasingly difficult to find the right ingredients to help improve your brain function and cognitive performance. Natural nootropic supplements that contain widely researched ingredients, which provide evidence-based results, are what you need to look for. We’ve listed a few to get you started.

1. Bacopa Monniera

One of the best natural nootropics is Bacopa or Brahmi. Bacopa has been used for thousands of years as a traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India. Bacopa is used to treat a wide variety of cognitive-related issues and nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, anxiety, ADHD and stress [R]. According to Ayurvedic medical practitioners,

Bacopa monnieri is categorized as a medhya rasayana, a compound that stimulates and enhances the memory and intellect.

The mechanism of action contributed from Bacopa is by the chemical constituents of bacoside A and B [R]. The mixture bacosides A and B facilitates the three types of learning function, procedural, declarative, and spontaneous, and improves the episodic memory observed in animal models [R].

Other benefits of Bacopa monnieri Include

  • Adaptogenic Stress Reducer
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Memory Improvement
  • Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Blood Pressure
  • ADHD
  • Epilepsy

2. Ginkgo Biloba

Another nootropic superstar is the iconic Ginkgo Biloba. Originally from China, Ginkgo Biloba is extracted from the oldest tree species on earth, the Chinese Ginkgo tree, also known as the maidenhair tree. Ginkgo’s popularity stems from the fact that it contains two constituents (flavonoids and terpenoids) that have extremely strong antioxidant properties, which may, in fact, help slow down the progression of age-related diseases, by combating stress. Studies show that flavonoids protect the nerves, heart, and blood vessels from damage, while terpenoids improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of platelets [R].

Other Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba include

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Increases focus and concentration
  • Reduces risk for Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
  • Improves libido
  • Fights PMS symptoms
  • Helps treat ADHD
  • Fights Fibromyalgia
  • Helps treat headaches

3. Phosphatidylserine

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably never heard of Phosphatidylserine. But despite its seeming unpopularity, Phosphatidylserine is present in every cell of the human body and is particularly concentrated in the brain. Not to mention, one of the best nootropics you can get. 

Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid that contains both amino acids and fatty acids. The omega 3-fatty acids work synergistically with Phosphatidylserine to form the building blocks of healthy cell membranes. Phosphatidylserine is a critical component in the maintenance of all cellular function, especially cognitive function. Research has been shown that Phosphatidylserine is critical in its ability to aid in bone matrix formation, cell repair for the immune system, heart rhythm, hormone secretion by the adrenal glands and even testicular function [R]

Other Benefits of Phosphatidylserine include

  • Combats depression
  • Slows down cognitive degeneration
  • Improves symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Improves Parkinson symptoms
  • Improves athletic performance

Do Nootropics Really Work?

In conclusion, natural nootropic supplements really can give you the extra boost in brainpower that most of us so desperately need. We all have days where we just don’t feel 100%, times when we feel hazy, unmotivated and aren’t as productive as we’d like to be. Natural nootropics are proven to help you increase your brain function and capacity, while at the same time making your brain healthier. Each one of the listed ingredients above is proven to help with cognitive function and slowing the aging process, which is extremely important if you want to increase the quality of your life as you get older. At the end of the day, it’s important even critical to take preventive action in your health, particularly your mind.

Wondering How To Increase Your Brain Function So You Can Be More Productive?

Swolverine's premier Nootropic supplement, Elitrope, contains clinically proven ingredients such as Phosphatidylserine, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John's Wort, Bacopa Monnieri, L-Glutamine, and L-Carnitine that will help you find the mental clarity, memory recall, focus, and cognitive function you need to train harder and maximize performance, whether you're in the office or at the gym* Think clearly, find your focus, and maximize your performance with Elitrope.


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  1. Improve Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Symptoms, Improve Athletic Performance & Treat ADHD Using Phosphatidylserine-Rich Foods
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  1. "The Better Alternative to Dangerous Psychotropic Drugs." Dr. Axe. N.p., 05 Apr. 2017. Web. 13 June 2017.
Bacopa monnieraBrain healthGinkgo bilobaNootropicsNutritionPhosphatidylserineSupplements

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