Zottman Curl: Adding Strength To Your Arm Day

If you’re looking for more variety in your workout program then the Zottman curl is it. A combination of a bicep curl and reverse curl this superset is a dream combination that will pump up your arms and your triceps all in one fluid motion. We're going to cover the benefits of the Zottman curl, the muscles worked, and how to do them properly. 

What Is The Zottman Curl

The Zottman curl is a very effective bicep dumbbell exercise that combines a conventional bicep curl with a reverse curl.

This strength training movement is an exceptional exercise to add to your training day split to help fully contract your bicep while also progressively overloading your forearms on the eccentric phase of the lift.

Zottman Curl Muscles Worked

Zottman curl primarily targets and isolates the bicep muscle. This muscle group consists of two heads, the short and the long head that work in conjunction to generate more power, force, and strength.

During the reverse curl, more emphasis is placed on the brachioradialis or the forearm muscles.

Zottman Curl Benefits

Zottman curl is an isolated movement, therefore, it does not necessarily provide any functional benefit but will help build bigger, stronger arms. Adding this exercise to your training split will add more strength and build more muscle mass in your biceps as well as your forearms.

The real benefit of the Zottman curl is that the positive portion of each rep contracts the biceps (biceps brachii and brachialis) and the negative phase targets the forearms (brachioradialis and brachialis muscles).

How To Do A Zottman Curl

Watch this video to see how to do a Zottman curl properly, then follow the step-by-step instructions.

  • Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Rotate your wrists into a supinated position (palms facing upwards). Arms fully extended and resting by your sides.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart to establish a solid base.
  • Contract and isolate your biceps as hard as you can and curl the dumbbells upwards as you bend your elbows.
  • Pause at the top of the movement. 
  • Rotate your wrists into a pronated position (palms facing the floor).
  • Slowly lower and de-load down until your arms are extended.
  • Twist the dumbbells back into the starting position as described above (palms facing upwards) for the next rep
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps

Zottman Curl: Takeaway

There’s a reason why strong man, George Zottman created this movement, because it works. Athletes are always looking for more variety in their training, and the Zottman curl can be a refreshing and much-needed change to your training day routine for building bigger, stronger biceps and forearms.

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