CrossFit Open Workouts 2022 - Complete List

The 2022 CrossFit Open is upon us which officially signifies the beginning of the road to the 2022 CrossFit Games. Quite possibly the most fun time of the year, anyone in the world can register online to compete in the CrossFit Open via the online leaderboard platform. Whether it's your first time ever or you're in contention to go back to the Games, the electricity is in the air. Week by week individuals has the opportunity to partake in workouts and see how they stack up against others in their community, gym, state, country, and around the world.

The CrossFit Games: Open 2022

The 2022 CrossFit Open announcement happened on Thursday, February 24th, 2022 at 12:00pm PST which is a lot earlier than the typical evening announcement in previous years. Similar to the 2021 CrossFit Games season, the 2022 CrossFit Open is 3 consecutive weeks (compared to the traditional 5 week structure) announced every Thursday. All scores must be submitted to the online leaderboard no later than Monday at 5 pm PT of each week - no exceptions.

You can compare and contract scores and abilities to other affiliates in the community as well as other athletes which makes it a little extra fun, even if you're not a regular competitive athlete.

RELATED: The CrossFit Open To Do or Not To Do

Road To The 2022 CrossFit Games

Every athlete who steps on the Games floor begins as a competitor in the CrossFit Open, which is the biggest online competition in the world across any sport. Year after year, the involvement grows to impressive, never seen before numbers. It's an opportunity to join a global community. The original ethos of CrossFit is that anyone can compete, this year being no different, offering as many options for people then ever before.

Anyone who is 14 years or older can register to compete, older athletes are encouraged now more than ever, as well as adaptive athletes in the new divisions (Foundations & Adaptive). These options make the 2022 CrossFit Open the most accessible one yet.

  • The Open: February 24 - March 14
  • Quarterfinals: March 24 - April 24
  • Semifinals: May 20 - June 12
  • Games: August 3 - August 7

RELATED: A Look At The 2022 CrossFit Games Season

CrossFit Games Quarterfinals

So what happens next? For many of us, our competitive season will end after three weeks. But for the best of the best? It will continue on. After the Open comes the Quarterfinals, the Semifinals, and the Last-Change Qualifier. For individual athletes, that means that the top ten percent of individuals in the Open on each continent will advance to the next competition stage, the Quarterfinals. This will be yet another online competition that happens over the course of an entire weekend.

For teams, the top 25 percent of the total number of teams per continent will advance into the Quarterfinal stage on the road to the 2022 CrossFit Games. The teams will be comprised of two men and two women.

RELATED: 7 Swolverine Athletes Move Forward Past Quarterfinals In 2021

Semifinals For Individuals

As far as individuals are concerned, there will be 10 in-person events held across six continents. One athlete from each continent will quality for the 2022 CrossFit Games. For the individual division, after the semifinals, there will be a brand new opportunity for them to qualify in the Last-Chance Qualifier. If an athlete is close, but gets no cigar (so to speak) in the Semifinals, the athlete(s) will have a last-chance opportunity to sneak right into the 2022 CrossFit Games.

As far as teams go, the top teams in the Quarterfinals will head to the Semifinals to earn their opportunity to get on the floor at the 2022 CrossFit Games. However, there will be no last-chance qualifier for the teams division.

RELATED: (Opinion) How The CrossFit Community Changed My Life

How To Watch 2022 Open Announcements Live

The 2022 CrossFit Open is a three-week online competition. It’s one of the most exciting times of the year for the community and for individuals who are looking to test their fitness and resilience while pursuing new personal times. The open is the first opportunity for athletes were interested to compete at the 2022 CrossFit Games.

If you’re looking to watch the weekly CrossFit open workout announcements, you’ll need to tune in at 12 PM Pacific standard time on Thursday, February 24th, March 3rd, and March 10th. Then like the typical format in the past, there will be a head to head athlete matchup that will happen to perform the work out of the week.

So how to watch the 2022 CrossFit open announcements live? You will need to visit games diet and there will be a pre-show before the official announcement. You can also watch the stream on the CrossFit games Facebook page, and the CrossFit games YouTube channel, as well as their twitch account.

Complete List Of The 2022 CrossFit Open Workouts

“Open 22.1”
The 2022 CrossFit Open WOD #1 is:


15:00 AMRAP

3 Wall Walks
12 DB Snatch (50/35)
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

“Open 22.2”
The 2022 CrossFit Open WOD #1 is:


Time cap: 10 minutes

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:

Bar-facing burpees

225/155 lb barbell

“Open 22.3”
The 2022 CrossFit Open WOD #1 is:

For Time

21 Pull-Ups

42 Double-Unders

21 Thrusters

18 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups

36 Double Unders

18 Thrusters

15 Bar Muscle Ups

30 Double Unders

15 Thrusters

Women 65lb then 75lb then 85lb

Men 95lb, then 115 lb, then 135lb

Submit Your Score

Don't forget to submit your scores! The easiest way to remember to do it is to log into your account and log your score on the online leaderboard dashboard right after you finish the workout itself. Don't wait until the next day, Sunday, or even Monday before the deadline. There are no late submissions and no exceptions.

Even if you're planning to do the workout again (and again, and again), it is seriously SO easy to forget to submit your open score. And trust us, the last feeling you need after all your hard work and dedication is the shame, guilt, and disappointment of submitting your score. Even if you're going to finish last on the leaderboard, be like Nike, JUST DO IT. Okay? Okay.


The 2022 CrossFit Open Workouts: Takeaway

There's a ton to takeaway from the 2022 CrossFit Open Season regardless of your ability, level of involvement, or where in the world you are. It's one of the most unique opportunities to join the largest fitness online competition in the world. It's one of the only sports that a regular, every day exerciser, can go from a nobody to a household name. Good luck this year and make sure to supplement your performance and health with Swolverine! We believe in you, you got this!

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