Hans Koellnberger - Swolverine - CrossFit

Tell us a little about you...

I’m a competitive CrossFit athlete and Coach. I’m the founder and owner of One Life CrossFit and have been doing personal training/coaching since 2017.

Where did your fitness/athletic journey begin? How did you get into the sport you're in now?

How did you get into the sport you're in now? : I’ve been athletic my whole life. Always running around outside and was in some sort of sport. My 2 older brothers played baseball and my older sister played softball so I naturally started playing once I was old enough to hold a bat. I first got into CrossFit from a cousin who introduced it to me. He took me to a class and I fell in love with it ever since! 

Tell us about your accolades:

Wodapalooza Elite Team of 3 - 2023

Northern California Classic 2nd Place - 2022

Northern California Classic 5th Place - 2021

What is your favorite part about CF?

My favorite part about CrossFit would be that there is no limits. You can continue to become fitter, stronger, and smarter throughout the years.

Do you Coach CrossFit?

I currently operate and own a CrossFit gym named One Life CrossFit.

Do you have a favorite dessert or cheat meal?

Favorite dessert would be cereal. Something sweet like captain crunch. Cheat meal is always doughnut holes!

What’s been your most memorable time so far as an athlete?

Competing at Wodapalooza. Being on the floor with fellow athletes i’ve looked up to in the sport was awesome.

What have been some trying times in your athletic career (or life) and what have they taught you?

Growing up my mother and I did a ton of moving around and we didn’t have much. So now as an adult I’ve learned to take care of everything that I own. Almost all situations you are put into, it can always be worst. Keep your head up and keep moving forward.

What does your diet/nutrition look like?

Any advice to others on things that you've had to learn the hard way in this are of your health and fitness? : Overall my diet consist of a lot of clean carbs and lean proteins. 90% of the year I eat clean and the other 10% is the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Small piece of advice would be, “We train so much and almost never take a day off, when we do, we don’t magically lose all our fitness. So if you eat clean all the time and then have a cheat meal one time, you will not gain a bunch of weight or lose any of your gains. Don't forget to give yourself a break once in a while"

Tell us a little about your training regimen - do you follow specific training program(s), coaching/coaches, etc.? How do you prioritize your training over other aspects of life to reach this level of competitiveness?

I follow Underdogs Athletics. As of right now, running a successful CrossFit gym is the main priority. Second would be training. So when I’m not coaching, I’m training, when I’m not training, I’m recovering, when I’m not recovering, I’m sleeping. Having no wasted hours is important.

Hans Koellnberger  Swolverine

What are some of your goals for yourself in the sport?

The ultimate goal is to qualify for the CrossFit games. The daily goal is to show up, work hard, and make myself proud of my efforts.

Why do you choose to partner with Swolverine?

When I first met Alix she was very inviting and informative. After hoping on a call with her she gave me her advice on what products I could start with based on my goals and body type. After trying their products for a month I was very pleased with the quality and taste and knew I wanted to be apart of this brand! With owning a gym and being a competitive athlete I’m very busy. Knowing SWOLVERINE products are clean and affective I have nothing to worry about when I’m taking their products!

What are your favorite products to use from Swolverine?

The Honey Cinnamon Peanut Butter Whey Protein for sure!! The macros are great and the taste is even better! Next would be the INTRA-Workout Hydration Powder. Sipping on that throughout the workout and after is great to replemish the body!

Chelsea Young CrossFit Swolverine CrossFit Revamped


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