Inspiring CrossFit Moms - CrossFit Oregon City - Swolverine

We’ll clear this from the start - an inspiring CrossFit mom doesn’t have to have a hundred thousand followers on IG, have won the CrossFit games, or be some type of celebrity. Moms on their own are superhuman in their own right, and we’re going to bring light to 9 inspiring CrossFit moms who are willing to push past barriers, insecurities, and weaknesses, who bear it all out there to show the rest of us that CrossFit moms are one of a kind. This mothers day, let’s celebrate the bodies that give life, that takes a beating, that is forever changed; let’s raise them up into the light so that we can show all women, of all shapes of sizes, of all walks of life, that their body deserves celebration, positivity, and appreciation. Without further adieu, we introduce to you 9 inspiring CrossFit moms from around the country, this mothers day!

Strong as a Mother

If you’re a CrossFit mom then you know that you often wear chalk and makeup doesn’t come often. That you do your own manicures to keep your nails at a perfect hook grip length. That dishwashing soap treats your calluses well, and instead of doing cardio, you crush 30 clean and jerks for time. In fact, you do everything for a time. You PR’d vacuuming and changing diapers last week, you live for 15-minute AMRAPs and you know well that FRAN doesn’t hold a candle compared to a two-year-old’s tantrum. You’re proud of your scars, your tiger stripes, and your battle wounds, including those stretch marks that very well might not go away. Instead of hiding them, you share them, to inspire another, to encourage another, to say “If I can do it, you can too”. Sure, you might tinkle a little here or there when you laugh too hard, do double unders, or are box jumping, but you focus on making your weaknesses a strength, instead of letting them keep you from something that you love.

This article is an ode to you, the athlete, the teacher, the woman, the mother that you are, even if you aren’t on this list. Because you understand that keeping up with your children is the goal, that making yourself a priority is the goal and it most certainly isn’t selfish. You never quit. You never give up. And sure, you might miss a class at the box or a weekend session because of a kid who stayed up crying all night, a sick baby, or a soccer game, but you do your best to lunge on the way to their bedroom, to lift the kettlebell between naps, and do what others are afraid to try.

You let your stress out on the bar. You come home with a radiant smile. And you know that because of your effort, suffering, and your desire to become better, you are a CrossFit Mom, a superhuman of sorts, but an everyday woman at that. A woman giving her all, in everything she does. Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your kids. And while your body isn’t magazine perfect, photoshopped and plastic, you look in the mirror and you see a mom; there is no greater honor, love, or blessing like that, and we celebrate each and every one of you. Not just today, but every day.


Inspiring CrossFit Moms: ASHLEY

Follow her on IG@ashes____2____ashes

Meet Ashley, a mother of two, a crossfitter at PowerSeeker CrossFit in Boise, Idaho. “CrossFit is such a big, impactful community; no one is there to outdo, embarrass, or put down fellow athletes. When you’re at CrossFit, you’re with your family and family stands by one another… I think the beauty of CrossFit is that it’s not about beauty at all; it’s about going to the gym, kicking ass, and pushing yourself and others to be the best of our potential.”

Ashley Rene Roberts - PowerSeeker CrossFit - Swolverine

She wants all moms out there to “Find the fire within your soul and let it burn. You never know who is watching; don’t let them down!”. Happy Mothers Day, Ashley!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: RINA

Follow her on IG: @curlsandbarbells

Meet Rina, a crossfitter at Sneads Ferry CrossFit, USMC veteran, coffee enthusiast, CFL1, and #ladyboss owner of Larutina Apparel. She takes her mini-me to the box to nurture and support her curiosity of fitness (with safety precautions of course!). She’s got a radiant smile that can turn any frown upside down and wants every woman out there to know, “while we’ve all seen the endless transformation pictures… you know what’s fantastic? Seeing the progress that goes beyond the skin and the muscle gain or the weight loss.”

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: Rina - Sneads Ferry CrossFit - Swolverine

Some people might ask, “But Rina… what about your stretch marks?!” to which she replies, “I mean, what about them!? Here’s the thing folks, I’m not letting these scars make me feel any kind of shame or discomfort in my own skin. I only have one body so I rather choose to respect it, love it, and rock it just as it is and embrace them as a reminder of what my body went through to grow, nurture, and birth TWO human beings from it!”. May we all find a way to be a little bit more like, RINA! Happy Mother’s Day, Momma!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: QUINN

Follow her on IG@quadslikequinn

Meet Quinn, a crossfitting mom of THREE, CFL2, USAW L1, professional career woman, social justice advocate, self-proclaimed “horrible parker” and graduate student. She focuses her efforts on raising strong, confident, and ambitious children while surrounding herself with a radiant #girlgang at her local box, Lightning CrossFit.

Inspiring CrossFit Moms - Quinn - Lightning CrossFit - Swolverine

Her advice to other mamas alike? “Ever so often I have to adjust my fitness goals to align with my current season of life. This current season calls for maintenance. Maintaining what strength, skill, and speed I have and giving myself grace in my training so that I can focus on the other important areas in my life (kids, school, sports and work!).” She strives for PROGRESS and not just PERFECTION while reminding others that life comes in seasons, seasons that you can handle, as long as you make your priorities clear. Here’s to you Quinn, Happy Mother’s Day!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: ASHLEY

Follow her on IG: @getmomstrong

Meet Ashley, a mom on a mission to help other moms regain their strength and confidence through fitness, nutrition, and body positivity! As a mother of three boys (boy moms unite!), a diastasis recti expert, and mindset guru, she’s a living, breathing example that you are stronger than your strongest excuses and that your body is worthy of love and celebration every single day, in every single way!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms - Ashley Nowe - Get Mom Strong - Swolverine

Her advice to other mothers is this: “you may never have a “perfect” postpartum body, but you can have a perfectly FUNCTIONAL postpartum body, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! You don’t have to settle. You may always have stretch marks and skin, thicker hips and a few more gray hairs from #motherhood. But your body should work. Don’t let our system shirk off your needs. Advocate and #getmomstrong!” Here’s to women raising their voices and leading the way for a change! Happy Mother’s Day, Ashley!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: JESSICA

Follow her on IG: @jess.pcosta

Meet Jess, a working mama of TWO, wife, marathoner and avid crossfitter! She’s proud of not only being the best mother she can be to her children but for having CrossFit to keep her fitness in line through both of her pregnancies (even doing front squats just 2 days before her first son was born!). “During the two pregnancies, with my doctors ok, I made a point of keeping myself as active as possible. My doctor said to me ‘you want a normal delivery, right? Then keep doing what you do - you will need both strength and resistance!” So she did. Twice!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms - Jessica Peruzzo Costa - Swolverine

Her best advice that she offers others, especially this week with Mother’s Day right around the corner is, “one of the best decisions I took during pregnancy, was to keep working out. If you are thinking about whether or not to work out during pregnancy, I tell you: do it for you and your baby! (of course, if you have medical release). You will have a healthier pregnancy, less pain, discomforts, and a happier baby!” We believe in that too, girl! Happy Mother’s Day, Jess!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: EMILY

Follow her on IG@emily_robertsfit

Meet Emily, a mommy of TWO, CrossFit kids coach + personal trainer at CrossFit Oregon City, and competitive crossfitter! “I did CrossFit throughout my whole pregnancy and had the most amazing experience! I felt strong, beautiful, and healthy. I did all the movements until my belly got in the way (lol!). It made my delivery and recovery so much quicker than the first baby.” To which she adds, it’s not all rainbows and sunshine through pregnancy, and each journey is different, including hers, “I also had Gestational Diabetes and had to be on insulin for 12 weeks! I thought for sure I wouldn’t have it again with the second baby being more active and on top of my food, but I’m one of those many women that get it! It’s a hormone issue. It’s quite the experience. I learned so much!”.

Inspiring CrossFit Moms - Emily Roberts Fitness - Swolverine

Emily regularly takes her kiddos into the gym with her, working out alongside their presence, showing them that she is strong, capable, and fierce, as well as a wonderful role model for them as they grow! She’s a great reminder to us all that while fitness isn’t convenient for anyone, if you make it a priority, and put your heart into it, you can accomplish anything! Happy Mother’s Day to you, Em!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: LISA

Follow her on IG: @lisa.marie.ryan

Meet Lisa! A mother, a strong woman, a CFL2 and Pregnancy & Post-Partum certified Coach. After the birth of her first son 5 years ago, she “just went back to doing what I have always done at the gym, but my body needed me to move differently because my body was different.” Unfortunately, “it took me years to figure that out” and though her journey, she’s shared her story, her vulnerability, lessons, and mistakes with her CrossFit North Industry community and social community, so that she can be a voice for mothers who feel like they have no one to look up to, no one to look to for inspiration, and no one to inspire them, postpartum.

Inspiring CrossFit Moms - Lisa Ryan - CrossFit North Industry - Swolverine

In fact, she’s taken it so into her hands, that she’s a P&PA coach helping women understand that they’re not alone. “It isn’t easy to share our stories and our struggles, but I have found that the only way I was able to heal, was by helping others”. We’re grateful for your willingness to lend a hand to those in need! Happy Mothers Day, Lisa!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: MONICA

Follow her on IG: @mrsnoel1

Meet Monica, a proud wife, toddler mommy, #bosslady owner of Drop Fitness Bakersfield, as well as a Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach! We admire her for her willingness to not only pursue fitness and health but to “guide and lead my moms in the right direction; to bring awareness concerning diastasis, prolapse, and incontinence. Opening the dialogue and discussion of these important topics and being an advocate for women returning to the gym after baby, safely!”

Inspiring CrossFit Moms - Monica Noel - Drop Fitness Bakersfield - Swolverine

A notable light that Monica brings to the pregnancy world is that I am 1 in 8 women who have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. She shares her story of infertility to let others know that they are not alone. That without it, she would have never discovered just how STRONG she could possibly be, one that she might not have ever discovered. And she wants others to know that “while fertility tried to steal my hope, tried to break me, and drowned my heart in agony and disappointment, I kept getting up and gave you one hell of a fight!”. She’s a living example that you too, can beat the odds! Happy Mother’s Day, Monica!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: MICHAELA

Follow her on IG: @hungryfitness

Meet Michaela; a vibrant mama to 4 kiddos, CF games affiliate champion 2017 (while she was 5 weeks pregnant, BTW, listen to her talk about that HERE!), CFL1 & PN1 coach, Brute Strength Coach, and incredible woman hailing from Wasatch CrossFit in Layton, Utah. “I’m here to say that no matter HOW you look or feel, there is someone else out there that looks/feels the same way and is having the same thoughts as you. We are ALL normal and we are ALL strong. (We carried and birthed a child, for crying out loud! And are now raising said child!) We ALL deserve to love our bodies at all stages and all angels.”

Inspiring CrossFit Moms - Michaela North - CrossFit Wasatch - Swolverine

Michaela likes to keep in mind that “GRACE” is her blessing, “If I could give any piece of advice to women that are embarking on this journey, it’s to give yourself SO MUCH GRACE. Be okay with failure and figuring things out. Trust yourself and remember that you are the BEST one for YOUR kids. And when it comes to fitness: ALL THE BABY STEPS and SELF LOVE is where it’s at!!”. Thank you for being a wonderful reminder that we are all capable, strong, and worthy of grace. Happy Mother’s Day, Michaela!

Inspiring CrossFit Moms: Raleigh

Follow her on IG: @builtbyraleigh

Meet Raleigh, retired NCAA diving athlete, mother of TWO children, owner of THREE fitness businesses (CrossFit Cedar City, CrossFit St. George, & Built By Raleigh!), with a strong idea of what her body is capable of thanks to a tremendous journey built on resiliency. She takes motherhood by the reigns to be a role model and inspirational to her children, and other mothers in her community, near and far! Through her businesses, she consistently tries to remind others that “your strength, your body weight, your ability to do a task at hand, does NOT define who you are and what value you bring to the world. They’re just ways to measure where you are at so that you know how to adjust, pivot, and ultimately be the best version of YOU!”

Inspiring CrossFit Moms - Raleigh Taylor - CrossFit Cedar City - Swolverine

When it comes to her own fitness, and making it a priority, she comments “Guys, I’ve had 2 kids and gained 40lbs each time. I have a traumatic past and struggle with anxiety, depression, and confidence, daily. YEP. My body didn’t come easy and working out is still not easy. Eating healthy is still not easy. I get tired and busy and stressed just like you. But I do it anyway. It’s not easy to work out every day or make time for yourself. But it truly is the simple solution to so many problems we face. Take that energy and put it into your fitness and work on YOU. Not so that you can look like or don’t look like somebody else. So that you can prove to yourself that you can do hard things, OVER, and OVER, and OVER again.”. What an incredible message from an incredible woman! Happy Mother’s Day, Raleigh!

If you know a strong, inspiring CrossFit mom, leave us a comment below to share the love! This list could (and should!) be a million Moms strong, as there isn't enough 'thank yous' in the world to truly show all these amazing women just how special they are to us!


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