Hero WOD BULL - Swolverine

A hero workout of the day (WODs) aka Hero WOD is a workout tribute specifically to a fallen soldier, member of the military, and/or first responder. The workout is usually harder and longer than most programmed workouts in functional fitness and CrossFit gyms alike. The reason? To show tribute and respect to the work, dedication, and labor that the fallen hero gave to our country to protect and defend our freedoms. In this article, we're highlighting Hero WOD "BULL".

Hero WOD BULL - Swolverine

Remembering U.S. Marine Corps Captain Brandon Barrett

Captain Brandon A. Barrett was an Infantry Officer in the United States Marine Corps who was fatally shot by Taliban insurgents while conducting duty on his second deployment on May 5, 2010. Barrett is survived by his parents, sisters, and brother.

He was a decorated Marine, including the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, and NATO International Security Assistance Force Medal.

Captain Brandon A. Barrett was a true American hero and in his remembrance, the Marine Corps created the ‘Captain Brandon Barrett USMC Memorial Scholarship’.


200 Double-Unders
50 Overhead Squats (135/95)
50 Pull-Ups
1 Mile Run

Hero WOD BULL - Swolverine

Why Do We Do Hero WODs

While the main focus of the workout is often to pay tribute, respect, and remembrance to the fallen hero, hero WODs are also a great test of physical ability and performance capacity. Not only are you going to enter into the workout experiencing great physical tests, but you’re also going to cross barriers between the body, the mind, emotions and experience. You might cry, you might scream, you might bleed even, but with a deeper connection to the workout and the ‘why’, you give tribute one grueling rep at a time.

Never Forget

If there are two things we love, it’s CrossFit and our military, first responders, and all the selfless individuals on the front lines. Please join us as we remember Captain Brandon A. Barrett  alongside our box mates.


Hero wodWorkout

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