Randomized Controlled TrialAuthor Information Greenburg Medical Center, Sofia Bulgaria.
Afgerinos MD, Vodenicharova, M.D., Dobriana Shishmanova PhD, Krassimir Goranov M.D, Stroychev M.D
The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in KreAlkalyn and Creatine Monohydrate supplementation on athletic performance indicators in elite level athletes.
24 elite Olympic level soccer athletes were randomized into two control groups and administered either (KREALKALYN, n = 12) or CREATINE MONOHYDRATE (CM, n = 12) over a 16-week training period. Groups were administered (0g) at 4 weeks, (3g) at 8 weeks, (4.5g) at 12 weeks, and (6g) at 16 weeks.
Through urine analysis
- Creatinine levels in the Kre-Alkalyn group were much lower than those of the creatine group.
- Cholesterol levels for the creatine monohydrate group were elevated by .02. Cholesterol levels for the Kre-Alkalyn group dropped by .08.
- VO2 max levels were dramatically increased in the Kre-Alkalyn group over the creatine group as shown in the following chart (Fig. 2).
Overall, Kre-Alkalyn outperformed Creatine Monohydrate in nearly all ergonometry measurements. Most notable were that Kre-Alkalyn actually lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels over creatine with the most significant performance finding of a significant increase in VO2 Max of the Kre-Alkalyn group over the creatine group.