Bent over dumbbell fly’s, also known as bent over reverse, rear delt fly’s, or bent over lateral raise is an effective exercise that can add more upper body muscle and strength. The rear delts are an elusive muscle to target, but when activated, can lead to better and improved muscle definition.
What Is Bent Over Dumbbell Fly
Bent over dumbbell fly, is an isolated strength training exercise, used to target the posterior or rear deltoid. Rear deltoids, or commonly referred to as rear delts, are the most crucial, yet often most neglected part of your shoulders that can make or break a beautifully capped shoulder. Rear delt fly’s are an effective exercise to isolate the delts and build bigger more defined shoulders.
Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly’s Muscles Worked
The deltoids or delts, are composed of three primary muscle groups (the anterior, lateral, and posterior deltoid) which embody your shoulders, giving them the rounded triangular shape. Your shoulders are attached by tendons to three other skeletal structures: the collarbone or (clavicle), the upper arm bone (humerus) and the shoulder blade (scapula).
The deltoids are activated as a secondary muscle group, during chest and back exercises, therefore it’s crucial to designate rear deltoid-specific exercises to your training protocol.
The rear deltoids are often the most neglected muscle group of the three primary muscles of the shoulders.
Posterior Deltoids or rear delts are located at the back of the shoulder. Any movement which pushes weight behind you, such as cable crossover, or exercises which are positioned in a bent-over position uses gravity against the posterior muscles to build bigger and more defined rear delt muscles.
Bent over fly stimulates the rear delt as well as the upper back, such as the upper and mid trapezius.
Dumbbell Bent Over Fly Benefits
1. More Defined Shoulders
Isolated movements are designed to target and activate specific muscle groups. Bent over reverse dumbbell fly is an extremely effective exercise, that can add more muscle size and strength to your posterior or rear delts, when performed at a prescribed number of sets and reps within a strength training program.
2. More Strength
Strength and muscle mass are positively correlated, therefore the more muscle you build, theoretically the more strength you will gain. By incorporating the bent over reverse dumbbell fly into your upper body training routine you will build more muscle mass and strength.
3. Better Athletic Performance
And what is correlated with more strength and more size, better performance. Well, usually. Having more total body strength and balanced mass, will benefit your entire training program, and help you lift heavier weight, more volume, and increase athletic performance within other compound movements, like the deadlift, shoulder press, and bench press.
How to Do The Bent Over Reverse Dumbbell Fly
The bent over lateral raise, or reverse fly, will target the rear delts effectively, building the back taper or cut for the coveted v-shape.
- Sitting on the end of a bench or standing bend forward nearly 50 degrees and keep your hands to your sides in a neutral position with the dumbbells hanging.
- Keeping your back straight and your arms slightly bent, lift the dumbbells straight out to your sides, palms facing the floor
- Retract your shoulder blades slightly back and elbows behind you while you lift and bring your arms up laterally.
- Hold then bring back to starting position
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